Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The 4th and all that jazz.....

Somewhere along the line, it's gotten to be July. Specifically, the 4th of July (well, it WILL be). You know, the big holiday where people pile the whole damn family into a mini van and head out for overpriced vacations on overcrowded beaches and just pray the whole time for sanity enough not to choke the life out of either a) the people with them or b) the people around them. The holiday where the rest of us who can't afford a big trip or would rather take a vacation when the rest of the world is at home rather than where we're going drink too much beer and get too much sun and grill something. Chicken, shrimp, hot dogs, hamburgers, pork, small rodents, it doesn't matter as long as the grill is going. In celebration of this great American Tradition, my father has decided that he's having turkey and such tomorrow because "hey, turkeys were on sale and I got one." Nice, pop. It's like Thanksgiving in the fucking summertime. So now not only will I be sitting in an un-airconditioned upstairs kitchen where more than 2 beers is not allowed, but the oven will be on. Color me excited. No really. Color me something because I'm pretty sure that between it being 100 degrees in there and me sweating out tonight's alcohol, I'm going to be the color of a very hot, sweaty ghost. There may be a fireworks show in his town, though, after dark and those are always fun because there's a chance you'll hear someone scream when a still smoldering rocket plummets into their skull. Ah, small town life. So, in celebration of all those men and women who fought and are fighting for freedom all over the world, go drink some beer, grill some meat, and light some things on fire!

1 comment:

TK said...

go drink some beer, grill some meat, and light some things on fire!

Done. Done. Aaaaand done!

Happy 4th.