Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tag, I'm it

OTV "tagged" me and here's the rules for doing this:

A). Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog...

B). Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself...

C). Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs...

D). Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

7? Ok, I'll try to cut the list down some.

1. I have an insane obsession with tire pressure. As in I am always peering at mine and checking them to see if they're low. Or anyone else's for that matter. I generally won't check someone else's unless they're my friend though.

2. When I take my shoes off, they have to be facing the same way and in the correct order (L-R) and straight.

3. I love to cook, but only if someone is going to be there to eat it. When I eat alone, it's usually an apple or peanuts or something junky from the freezer. Or just beer.

4. I went to 3 colleges in 5 years, but only actually was enrolled for 3.5 and graduated from the one I started in.

5. My 2 best friends have been my best friends since 6th grade.

6. I grew up in a grocery store and lived off of soda, candy, potato chips, etc. I rarely eat/drink those things anymore.

6.5...that probably explains my weird eating habits now.

7. Contrary to my comments/blogs, I really don't talk a lot in real life. Given my 'd'ruthers (ha! look that one up) I'd probably go days without speaking.

Now I guess I need to tag some people. Hmm....

TK, ha ha, Jeff, Val, Brooklyn

ok, I'm only doing 5. All this linking is making my brain tired.....


Anonymous said...

Oh, dude, you don't think the MySpace freakazoid admission was weird enough?

And can I just say: You got to grow up in a grocery store? Lucky dog. I love grocery stores.

Jeff said...

I also insist that all my shoes are constantly together an in order.

Thanks for the tag. I'll make this my Friday post.

onthevirg said...

Hello Raymond, want to watch Wapner?

country roads said...

my dad's kind of like that with watching Judge Judy.

Ha Ha Sound said...

I'll play!! This is going to be my post for tomorrow. Thanks for tagging me. Seems like a fun game.

Nicole said...

I am SO honored that you tagged me, but I just did one of these about 2 weeks ago. So I'm not sure that I want to do another one right now, but I will keep it in mind for the future! Feel free to tag someone else in the meantime.

JDizzle said...

I have no idea what my tire pressure should be and how I would check that.